Downtown Historic Facade Incentive Grant

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A Downtown Historic Facade Incentive Grant is offered by the Department of Redevelopment to owners of architecturally and historically significant commercial properties as an incentive to restore the original character of their buildings. Historic Facade Grants will be matched with private and public investments to assist owners in restoring the appearance of their buildings, upgrading their businesses, and revitalizing the economy of Terre Haute's Downtown. Through the program, owners of significant commercial buildings may receive up to 50% of the cost of facade restoration as a matching grant, with a maximum of $15,000 granted per project. Additional funds will be available for corner buildings.

Building Eligibility:

Eligible buildings must:

  1. be at least 50 years old
  2. be listed in the Vigo County Interim Report of Historic Sites and Structures
  3. be utilized for ground floor commercial purposes as defined by the Terre Haute Zoning Ordinance
  4. be within the Central Business District Urban Renewal Area (Poplar to Cherry & Third to Ninth Streets). Buildings fronting either side of the boundary streets shall
  5. be eligible.
  6. be structurally sound and weather-tight
  7. applicants are encouraged to also apply for federal and state historic preservation tax credits.

Grant Requirements:

  1. Grant funds may be used to cover 50% of the total cost of restoration of the primary functional facade(s) of the building, with a maximum of $15,000 granted per project. For corner buildings with two functional facades, a maximum of $30,000 may be granted. An owner may not receive grants for more than 3 buildings.
  2. Applicants must match the grant amount with funding from other sources, public or private. Funds spent before grant approval are not eligible as matching funds. Applicant match funds must be spent prior to grant funds.
  3. Up to 10% of the grant funds may be used for architectural design fees. Applicants are encouraged to have restoration plans prepared by an architect.
  4. The building owner must agree to consult with the Historic Landmarks Foundation of Indiana regarding the proposed and any subsequent facade alterations.
  5. All exterior facade renovations must be started within 2 months and completed within 6 months from the date of grant award.

Restoration Standards:

  1. The project must comply with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation and Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings. These standards have been developed to guide the restoration of historic properties.
  2. The design and restoration work will be subject to review and approval by a Design Review Committee appointed by the Terre Haute Department of Redevelopment. The committee shall be composed of a representative of the Historic Landmarks Foundation of Indiana, an architect, and a representative from the Department of Redevelopment. The Executive Director of the Terre Haute Department of Redevelopment shall be an ex-officio member of the committee and shall conduct the review meetings.

Contractors may be selected by the applicant. Copies of proposals or contracts must be provided to the Terre Haute Department of Redevelopment for inspection before execution. All contractors that perform the rehabilitation must be licensed, bonded, and insured.

Required Construction:

Buildings rehabilitated under this grant program will be subject to inspection by local building code enforcement officers. Construction specifications and work completed shall comply with all applicable building and occupancy codes. The Indiana Historic Landmarks Foundation will advise building owners, their architects or engineers in planning the construction, if requested.

Application Process:

Public notice of the program availability will be made by newspaper publication. Grants will be reserved for applicants on a first come, first serve basis according to the date and time of application until funds are exhausted. A grant reservation will expire after 3 months if the Design Review Committee has not approved construction plans and awarded a grant.

Payment of Grant Proceeds:

Payment of grant funds shall be provided upon satisfactory completion of the Project and after submission of all eligible costs, according to the "Scope of Work," approved by the Design Review Committee of the Terre Haute Department of Redevelopment.

Program Administration:

This facade program shall be administered by the Terre Haute Department of Redevelopment on behalf of the Terre Haute Redevelopment Commission. The Executive Director of the Terre Haute Department of Redevelopment shall execute all documents pertaining to the program on behalf of the Commission. Applications are available at the Department of Redevelopment. For additional information on the Downtown Historic Facade Incentive Grant Program, please contact Phil Kesner at 812-244-2396.

Terre Haute Department of Redevelopment

Jordan Marvel, Executive Director
900 Wabash Avenue, 2nd Floor
Terre Haute, IN 47807

p. 812.244.2399