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The Terre Haute Urban Enterprise Zone (UEZ) was established in January 1994 for a ten-year period by application under Indiana Code 4-4-6.1, and was extended in 2004. In 2005 the City Council voted to discontinue the Urban Enterprise Zone designation for the City of Terre Haute, effective December 31, 2005. As of December 31, 2007, the THUEA officially dissolved as an Indiana not-for -profit corporation. Any remaining program obligations are being administered by the Terre Haute Department of Redevelopment. There are currently no benefits available for the Urban Enterprise Zone.

The UEZ was a designated geographic area encompassing 2.76 square miles in the oldest part of the city bounded by the Wabash River to the west, the Con-Rail and CSX Railroad tracks to the east, Locust Street to the north and to the south from the river along Hulman Street to Lockport Road then southeast to Voorhees Street.

The purposes of the Terre Haute Urban Enterprise Association, Inc. was among other things, to: coordinate Zone development activities; serve as catalyst for Zone development; promote the Zone to outside groups and individuals; establish a formal line of communication with residents and businesses in the Zone; act as a liaison between residents, businesses, the City and the State Enterprise Zone Board for any development activity that may affect the Zone or Zone residents; and initiate and coordinate any community development activities that aid in the employment of Zone residents, improve the physical environment, or encourage the turnover or retention of capital in the Zone.

For more information, contact Phil Kesner at 812-244-2396, or at Phil.Kesner@TerreHaute.IN.Gov .

Terre Haute Department of Redevelopment

Jordan Marvel, Executive Director
900 Wabash Avenue, 2nd Floor
Terre Haute, IN 47807

p. 812.244.2399